The library of Eratosthenes
21 st jun 09 in Bal vigyan bhawan,jahidpur,meerut

sun on kark rekha

Thursday 23 June 2011 by sdeepak

Bal vigyan bhawan - latitude 28 55 34 kark rekha - latitude- 23 26 22 difrence - 5 29 12 x111.111 = 610 km formula circumference of the earth = distance between two place x360/(a+b)angle

group A - angle- 4.46 degree c of earth= 610 x360/4.46 = 219600/4.46 = 49237.66816 km

group B- angle - 6.16 c of earth= 610 x360/6.16 = 219600/6.16 = 35649.3506 km

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